In Belgium the Sci Fi subjects are not often shown, it has nothing to do with UK, USA, or Japan...
In the same idea, I wanted to present my dinky toys airplanes collection for example, or the Shogun warriors toys, these objects and toys have been in many modelers hands of my generation (1969).
It could bring back some memories...
I have noticed with years, that during these events people are walking from table to table like zombies, but they stop only if there is a big stuff that attract them (mainly spectacular diorama), so I feel bored very quickly...
Younger kids are not really interested in model kit, it requires patience, focus, time, techniques... Many things that they hate in this new fast consuming society, everything must be bought fast and quickly forgotten...
When we started to present Star wars kits (clic on it to view it) it was immediately different, people were surprised that modeling can also be fun, not war (real war / real dead), no crazy photo etch kit, no RLM 72 bla bla and other detailing madness... Just FUN.
That's why we like to present bigger or noisy subjects, to get their attention, once it is done the chat can start and they can see the smaller models around, 1/48, 1/72, 1/144, that they would not have noticed...
Get back to the eagles, I wanted to create a "Space 1999 Landing Pad", to present the eagles at different scales, I tried in a couple of hours to create something that "looks like" a pad, using an image of the TV show. I will test the printed color rendering next week on an Epson GMG proofer, and I will do the required adaptations.
Once the final version will be done, and if you are interested, you can contact me (leave a message on this post with your e-mail address) I'll send you the files (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi).
If I find the time, I 'll directly do the adaptation for all the scales that I own.
I just saw that Sixteen12 has a launch pad available in Pre Order (june 2011), check out their website for more info.
These pictures shows me, that this must not be so hard to make it from cardboard...
I did a simulation of my Photoshop Pad integrated in the picture from the TV Serie, I think that I'm getting close...
I have to work on the scale now, I can forget about the 24" from Iconic Replicas (Now Sixteen12...), no room available in my house for such a display, but the Product Enterprise 1/72 should be fine...
I did a quick shooting test on the large Epson print (60cm), and I integrated the photo (rough) on the picture, the Product Enterprise eagle looks fine from that distance.
Other Space 1999 Eagle Models : Product Enterprise
Other Space 1999 Eagle Models : Mattel
Other Space 1999 Eagle Models : Dinky Toys
Other Space 1999 Eagle Models : Iconic Replicas
15 commentaires:
Hello, please send me the files (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi), of the Space 1999 Launch Pad
I would love a copy of the files for the Space 1999 Launch Pad
please send me a copyof the (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi), of the Space 1999 Launch Pad.
Many thanks
Are you still sending out the files for the launchpad kit? I a 12" WARP eagle so I presume that the size would be (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi), My e mail is
Kind Regards
Nige Johnson
please send me a copyof the (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi), of the Space 1999 Launch Pad.
Is for my eagle 1 Diecast Métal model 12"'s a good scale for the Launch Pad ?
Many thanks
Michel Casabonne from france... Help me please !
Michel ;o)
I'm beginer of modelist and i search a launch pad for my eagle 12"... but the price of the model kit is very expansive !!!
the idea of papercraft Lanunch Pad is very fabulous!
i search a launch pad in the same scale for my eagle 1.
Many thank's for your help!
best regards.
Michel ;o)
Hello, please send me the files - 580 x 580 at 300dpi - of the Space 1999 launch pad. I have a Enterprise Eagle medical version
Many thanks
Please send me the file as well.
Can you send me the file, please?
Hello, please send me the files (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi),
of the Space 1999 Launch Pad
Hello, please send me the files (580mm x 580mm at 300dpi),
of the Space 1999 Launch Pad
Hi, would you send me the launchpad file for a 1/72 scale (12”) Eagle?
Thank you!
Hi, would you send me the launchpad file for a 1/72 scale (12”) Eagle?
Thank you!
Hi, would you send me the launchpad file for a 1/72 scale (12”) Eagle?
Thank you!
Yes please to the launch pad files. I have a restored 12”Dinky -
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